Running a Test Environment

If you want to get operational experience with Krill before before configuring a production parent, you can run with an embedded TA which you can give any address space you want. You can generate your own Trust Anchor for it, which can be added to your Relying Party software in order to validate the objects you have published locally.

Setting up the Configuration

For testing we will assume that you will run your own Krill repository inside a single Krill instance, using 'localhost' in the repository URIs. You have to set the following environment variable to re-assure Krill that you are running a test environment, or it will refuse the use of 'localhost':

$ KRILL_TEST="true"

For convenience you may wish to set the following variables, so that you don't have to repeat command line arguments for these:

$ KRILL_CLI_SERVER="https://localhost:3000/"
$ KRILL_CLI_TOKEN="correct-horse-battery-staple"
$ KRILL_CLI_MY_CA="Acme-Corp-Intl"


Replace "correct-horse-battery-staple" with a token of your own choosing! If you don't the UI will kindly remind you that "You should not get your passwords from".

You can now generate a krill configuration file using the following command:

$ krillc config repo \
   --token $KRILL_CLI_TOKEN \
   --rrdp https://localhost:3000/rrdp/ \
   --rsync rsync://localhost/repo/ > /path/to/krill.conf

Use an embedded TA

To run Krill in test mode you can set "use_ta" to "true" in your krill.conf, or use an environment variable:

$ KRILL_USE_TA="true"

Add a CA

When adding a CA you need to choose a handle, essentially just a name. The term "handle" comes from RFC 8183 and is used in the communication protocol between parent and child CAs, as well as CAs and publication servers. For the handle you can use alphanumerical characters, dashes or underscores.

The handle you select is not published in the RPKI but used as identification to parent and child CAs you interact with. You should choose a handle that helps others recognise your organisation. Once set, the handle cannot be be changed as it would interfere with the communication between parent and child CAs, as well as the publication repository.

$ krillc add

API Call: POST /v1/cas

When a CA has been added, it is registered to publish locally in the Krill instance where it exists, but other than that it has no configuration yet. In order to do anything useful with a CA you will first have to add at least one parent to it, followed by some Route Origin Authorisations and/or child CAs.

List CAs

You can list all handles (names) for the existing CAs in Krill using the following command:

$ krillc list

API Call: GET /v1/cas

Let CA publish in the embedded Repository

Step 1: Generate RFC8183 Publisher Request

First you will need to get the RFC 8183 Publisher Request XML for your CA.

$ krillc repo request > publisher_request.xml

Step 2: Add your CA to the Repository

You now need to authorise your CA in your repository and generate an RFC 8183 Repository Response XML file:

$ krillc publishers add \
   --publisher $KRILL_CLI_MY_CA \
   --rfc8183 publisher_request.xml > repository_response.xml

Step 3: Configure your CA to use the Repository

Now configure your CA using the response:

$ krillc repo update remote --rfc8183 repository_response.xml

Show CA Details

You can use the following to show the details of the embedded TA, if you enabled it:

$ krillc show --ca ta
Name:     ta

Base uri: rsync://localhost/repo/ta/
RRDP uri: https://localhost:3000/rrdp/notification.xml

ID cert PEM:

Hash: 85041ff6bf2d8edf4e02c716e8be9f4dd49e2cc8aa578213556072bab75575ee

Total resources:
    ASNs: AS0-AS4294967295
    IPv6: ::/0

Handle: ta Kind: This CA is a TA

Resource Class: 0
Parent: ta
State: active    Resources:
    ASNs: AS0-AS4294967295
    IPv6: ::/0
Current objects:


API Call: GET /v1/cas/ta

Add a Child to the Embedded TA

If you are using an embedded TA for testing then you will first need to add your new CA "ca" to it. Krill supports two communication modes:

  1. embedded, meaning the both the parent and child CA live in the same Krill
  2. rfc6492, meaning that the official RFC protocol is used

Here we will document the second option. It's slightly less efficient, but it's the same as what you would need to delegate from your CA to remote CAs.

Step 1: RFC 8183 request XML

First you will need to get the RFC 8183 request XML from your child.

$ krillc parents request > myid.xml

API Call: GET /v1/cas/ca/child_request.json

Step 2: Add child "ca" to "ta"

To add a child, you will need to:
  1. Choose a unique local name (handle) that the parent will use for the child
  2. Choose initial resources (asn, ipv4, ipv6)
  3. Have an RFC 8183 request

And in this case we also need to override the ENV variable and indicate that we want to add this child to the CA "ta". The following command will add the child, and the RFC 8183 XML from the "ta":

$ krillc children add remote --ca ta \
                      --child ca \
                      --ipv4 "" --ipv6 "2001:DB8::/32" \
                      --rfc8183 myid.xml > parent-res.xml

API Call: See: POST /v1/cas/ta/children

The default response is the RFC 8183 parent response XML file. Or, if you set --format json you will get the plain API response.

If you need the response again, you can ask the "ta" again:

$ krillc children response --ca "ta" --child "ca"

API Call: GET /v1/cas/ta/children/ca/contact

Step 3: Add parent "ta" to "ca"

You can now add "ta" as a parent to your CA "ca". You need to choose a locally unique handle that your CA will use to refer to this parent. Here we simply use the handle "ta" again, but in case you have multiple parents you may want to refer to them by names that make sense in your context.

Note that whichever handle you choose, your CA will use the handles that the parent response included for itself and for your CA in its communication with this parent. I.e. you may want to inspect the response and use the same handle for the parent (parent_handle attribute), and do not be surprised or alarmed if the parent refers to your ca (child_handle attribute) by some seemingly random name. Some parents do this to ensure unicity.

$ krillc parents add remote --parent ripencc --rfc8183 ./parent-res.xml

API Call: POST /v1/cas/ca/parents

Now you should see that your "child" is certified:

$ krillc show
Name:     ca

Base uri: rsync://localhostrepo/ca/
RRDP uri: https://localhost:3000/rrdp/notification.xml

ID cert PEM:

Hash: 9f1376b2e1c8052c1b5d94467f8708935224c518effbe7a1c0e967578fb2215e

Total resources:
    IPv6: 2001:db8::/32

Handle: ripencc Kind: RFC 6492 Parent

Resource Class: 0
Parent: ripencc
State: active    Resources:
    IPv6: 2001:db8::/32
Current objects:


API Call: GET /v1/cas/ca


Krill lets users create Route Origin Authorisations (ROAs), the signed objects that state which Autonomous System (AS) is authorised to originate one of your prefixes, along with the maximum prefix length it may have.

You can update ROAs through the command line by submitting a plain text file with the following format:

# Some comment
  # Indented comment

A: => 64496
A: => 64496   # Add prefix with max length
R: => 64496      # Remove existing authorization

You can then add this to your CA:

$ krillc roas update --delta ./roas.txt

API Call: POST /v1/cas/ca/routes

If you followed the steps above then you would get an error, because there is no authorisation for => 64496. If you remove the line and submit again, then you should see no response, and no error.

You can list Route Origin Authorisations as well:

$ krillc roas list => 64496 => 64496

API Call: GET /v1/cas/ca/routes


You can show the history of all the things that happened to your CA:

$ krillc history
id: ca version: 0 details: Initialised with cert (hash): 973e3e967ecb2a2a409a785d1faf61cf73a66044, base_uri: rsync://localhost:3000/repo/ca/, rpki notify: https://localhost:3000/rrdp/notification.xml
id: ca version: 1 details: added RFC6492 parent 'ripencc'
id: ca version: 2 details: added resource class with name '0'
id: ca version: 3 details: requested certificate for key (hash) '48C9F037625B3F5A6B6B9D4137DB438F8C1B1783' under resource class '0'
id: ca version: 4 details: activating pending key '48C9F037625B3F5A6B6B9D4137DB438F8C1B1783' under resource class '0'
id: ca version: 5 details: added route authorization: ' => 64496'
id: ca version: 6 details: added route authorization: ' => 64496'
id: ca version: 7 details: updated ROAs under resource class '0' added: => 64496 => 64496
id: ca version: 8 details: updated objects under resource class '0' key: '48C9F037625B3F5A6B6B9D4137DB438F8C1B1783' added: 31302e312e302e302f31362d3230203d3e203634343936.roa 31302e302e302e302f3234203d3e203634343936.roa  updated: 48C9F037625B3F5A6B6B9D4137DB438F8C1B1783.crl 48C9F037625B3F5A6B6B9D4137DB438F8C1B1783.mft  withdrawn: